Core Agile Mindset & Decision Frameworks

These frameworks and principles help Agile teams navigate complexity, make decisions, and embrace adaptability.

Concept Agile Relevance Usage in Agile
Gall's Law Complex systems must evolve from simpler ones. Encourages iterative development, MVP strategy, and Lean Startup.
Occam's Razor The simplest solution is often the best. Used in backlog prioritization, Lean UX, and avoiding overengineering.
Adapted Stacey Matrix Helps determine Agile vs. Predictive approaches based on complexity. Guides whether to use Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, or traditional project management.
Cynefin Framework Categorizes problems into Simple, Complicated, Complex, and Chaotic. Helps Agile leaders make informed decisions in uncertain environments.
Denning's Agile Laws Defines agility as continuous innovation and adaptation. Reinforces Business Agility, responsiveness to change, and organizational adaptability.
Simon's Satisficing Principle Decisions are made by settling for "good enough" rather than optimal solutions. Enables fast decision-making in Agile but requires balance to avoid technical debt and missed innovation opportunities.
Ziv's Law Software requirements are unknown until tested. Reinforces iterative prototyping, TDD, and Continuous Delivery.
Brandolini's Law (Bullshit Asymmetry Principle) "The energy required to refute misinformation is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it." Encourages fact-based Agile coaching, stakeholder management.