Communication & Structure

These Laws explain how team structure, communication, and flexibility impact Agile development.

Concept Agile Relevance Usage in Agile
Conway's Law "Organizations design systems that mirror their communication structures." Supports cross-functional Agile teams, DevOps collaboration, and breaking silos to improve software design.
Larman's Laws Large enterprises resist true Agile transformation, preferring to maintain their existing structures. Helps Agile leaders navigate enterprise Agile adoption, SAFe/LeSS scaling, and organizational change management.
Postel's Law "Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send." Encourages flexible API design, modular system architecture, and robust Agile team interactions.
Putt's Law "Technology is dominated by those who understand it least, and those who understand it best are driven out." Highlights the need for strong Agile leadership, empowering technical experts, and avoiding bureaucracy in Agile teams.
Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy Organizations prioritize self-preservation over their mission. Warns against excessive governance in Agile transformations and advocates for decentralized decision-making to sustain agility.